January 2024 – Happy New Year!

Last Chance to Register!

(VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE ONLY) 2024 – 2025 Law and Rule Required Course (LARRC)

Registration CLOSES Monday 01/08/2024 at 04:30 PM Pacific Time.

Online Admission is $75.00 per person
(price includes emailed course materials)


Continuing Education Credits are available at no additional cost

Click Here to Register & for Additional Event Details

President's Message

Tia Politi, ORHA President

Welcome to our new members of the Executive Committee
I’m pleased to announce that at our November meeting, Dan Griffin of the Central Oregon Rental Owners Association was elected Treasurer to serve out the remaining term after our previous Treasurer resigned. With his gift for numbers Dan is a great choice. Dan is a licensed real estate broker and an investor. He’s working on his business start-up and he and his wife own five rental properties in Central Oregon. They have a 3-year-old daughter and a baby on the way. Originally from the Chicago area, Dan moved to Oregon nearly 11 years ago. He spends his free time building an off-grid cabin in a remote area east of Bend and training jiu jitsu. Thanks, Dan, for agreeing to serve.

With our new Treasurer, a fantastic bookkeeper, Lori Black, along with Finance Committee Chair Dennis Chappa’s experience and tutelage, we’re in a good place with our finances. 

You might recall that last year the board voted to reduce our regions from five to four, and in accordance with our bylaws, each area must be represented unless there’s no one willing to serve from a particular region, so with the prior Treasurer’s resignation, we were left without a representative from the Southern Region to serve on the Executive Committee, so...

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Forms Committee Report

Tia Politi, Committee Chair

New Forms and Forms Changes – Part II

Senate Bill 1069

Service of notice by email-and-mail
In this month’s newsletter, you’ll find an educational article on Senate Bill 1069, written by Eugene attorney Brian Cox. In November, I let you know that considering the new law allowing service of notice by email and mail, the board would be deciding what to do with the Service Boxes on our forms. The Forms Committee provided the board with three options:

1) Do nothing and discourage email-and-mail service.
2) Add Email-and-Mail as a fourth option.
3) Change the service box to allow for only two options – First Class Mail and Other.

The board voted unanimously for option 3 and here’s why. We already have many issues with our members serving notice improperly. I am an eviction specialist and staff five landlord helplines around the state as part of my business, and the biggest reason landlords lose in eviction court, or must re-serve a notice is due to “imperfect service.” Despite all our articles and classes and helplines, folks still mess this up more than anything else and it’s a bad thing to mess up! A tenant attorney would be happy to educate you for an exorbitant fee. We don’t recommend it for the casual landlord. What if you forget to email one of the tenants? What if their power is out? What if they lost their internet? SB 1069 was presented as something wonderful for landlords, but many of us...

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SB 1069 – Electronic Service and Payment Changes

Law Offices of Brian Cox

In Our Ongoing Efforts To Keep You Informed ~ Senate Bill 1069 (2023) makes
significant changes to
ORS 90.155, the written notice statute in Oregon’s Residential Landlord Tenant Act,
that go into effect January 1, 2024
(so you have plenty of times to change your forms/get new forms)

New Way To Serve Written Notices –

The ORLTA currently authorizes three methods for serving written notice: (1) personal service: (2) service by first-class mailing; and, (3) service by posting and first class mailing the same day. Senate Bill 1069 creates a fourth type of service - ‘email and mail’ service. In order to use ‘email-and-mail’ service, the housing provider and resident must, after the tenancy begins and the tenant has occupied the premises, sign a separate addendum to their rental agreement authorizing the use of ‘email-and-mail’ service by the...

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Mind Your Business: Tia's Tips for Better Rental Management – Child Care Regulations for Oregon Landlords

Tia Politi

With the passage of SB 599, effective January 1, 2024, landlords are now required to allow child care in their rental homes: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/SB599/Enrolled 

What I hope you may find reassuring is that your tenant can’t just open their door and watch however many children or babies they want under any circumstances. There are strict state requirements they must meet.

The Early Learning Division of the Office of Child Care oversees the licensing and statutory requirements for licensed child care in Oregon. The new law allows residents to perform child care as either a Certified or Registered Family Child care Home. There are different rules for each type. Registered child care homes have somewhat less stringent requirements than Certified child care homes, and you’ll need to know...

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Oregon Live Article

"Oregon's flawed rent assistance rollout points to broader unpreparedness, audit finds"

Read Oregon Live Article

Oregon Annual Rent Increase Percentage

Senate Bill 611 was signed into law on July 06, 2023. This bill will cap rent increases at 10.0% or 7.0% plus CPI (whichever is lower) – The exemption for new constructions remains at 15 years.

The maximum allowable rent increase percentage for the 2024 calendar year is 10.0% or 7.0% plus CPI (whichever is lower) – The allowable annual rent increase in 2024 is 10.0%. Only one rent increase may be issued in any 12-month period.

The allowable rent increase percentage for the previous year, 2023, was 14.6% if the increase was issued before July 6th, or 10.0% if issued after July 6th. 

For more information on the methodology, calculation, and Consumer Price Index data, see: Maximum Annual Rent Increase, 2024 (Excel File Download).

ORHA appreciates your participation during this legislative season – Please contact the member helpline for your local association with any questions that you may have. If you do not know the contact information for your local association, you can view the information by clicking HERE.


Attention Members,

This message is from Tia Politi, President of the Oregon Rental Housing KEY PAC:

Hello everyone, did you get the chance to make your 2023 ORH KEY PAC donation? Please consider making an early donation in 2024.

When the time comes, will you use your 2024 Oregon Political Tax Credit to make a donation to the Oregon Rental Housing KEY PAC? Please help us gear up to a new election year in 2024, we need to get going!

Your support right now will make a huge difference in our ability to influence the election of the Oregon Governor, State Representatives and Senators all across Oregon that support Housing Providers.

Will you use your 2024 Oregon Political Tax Credit today? It's like a free $50 donation for Oregon taxpayers, once a year.

Use your Oregon Political Credit today!

With the Oregon Political Tax Credit, qualifying Oregon taxpayers can give up to $50 per year (or $100 for joint-filing couples) to Oregon Rental Housing KEY PAC and receive the full amount as a credit subtracted from your Oregon state taxes when you file.

The Tenant Advocates’ Radical Agenda will continue to adversely affect our rights, we need your support now more than ever, to make sure Oregonians elect legislators who support fair and reasonable legislation.

If you're able, please consider using your 2024 Oregon Political Tax Credit to give whatever you can today to help elect Oregon Representatives and Senators that support the concerns of the largest small business sector in Oregon: Housing Providers.

Donate $50.00
Donate $100.00

If you feel very strongly about future legislative direction, then please consider donating even more:

Donate $250.00
Donate $500.00
Donante $1,000.00

Thank you so much for your support,

Tia Politi, President of ORH KEY PAC

P.S. You can qualify for the Oregon Political Tax Credit if you're an Oregon taxpayer making under $75,000, or $150,000 per year as part of a joint-filing couple. If you qualify, you can give up to $50 per year to Oregon Rental Housing KEY PAC and receive the full amount as a credit subtracted from your Oregon state taxes when you file. If you're part of a joint-filing couple, you can give up to $100 a year. Always consult your tax professionals when determining if you qualify for tax credits Don't qualify? We can still use your help funding our important work to elect Representatives and Senators that support Oregon Landlords in 2024! 

Please donate any amount you can today.

Oregon Rental Housing Key PAC | PO Box 512 Independence, Oregon 97351 | info@oregonrentalhousingpac.org

Technology Committee Report

Cloud Miller, Committee Chair

ORHA Online Forms Store Upgrading Status:

More updating work has been completed this last month, and most of the items will not be visible to the customer. We have finished most of the PayPal shopping cart on the new server and the finalization upgrades shouldn’t affect customers, just our reporting.

We are asking our customers to have some patience with the necessary changes. Please plan accordingly to complete form orders earlier than you need them in case there is a change that prevents normal processing. To help you rectify any issues, please use the ORHA Support ticket to identify your issue to our staff. The ORHA support ticket is located on the bottom of the ORHA Forms Store website and the direct link can be saved in your browser bookmarks for later use. Please use this link and we will contact you for assistance.

Thank you all for your support.

You can also save the ORHA Support Ticket link in your browser at https://forms.office.com/r/LEfvp8izL1.

Important Features:

For the future, we will be updating the ORHA Form Store cart itself that will allow you to modify your forms right in the cart. Currently, you can fill out a form and “Preview Form” for accuracy, and then fix the form if need be and then place it in the cart by clicking the “Generate PDF.” This will place the form in the Form Store cart for purchase. You cannot modify the form, unless you do another form and delete the old form from your cart. This causes some confusion for our customers, because if you go back to edit the form from the cart, then both the edited and the original form are both in the cart and when they purchase the form, then both forms are purchased, unless you realized there are two of the same form and deleted the old uncorrected form. Please be aware of this, as refunds are not available for this action.

Office Update

Benjamyn Seamans

Important Notice: We have been upgrading our ORHA Online Forms Store – If you experience any issues, please submit an ORHA Support Ticket (see below).

March 2024 will be our first ORHA Board Meeting of the New Year. This meeting will be in-person (Bandon, OR) and virtual – Details will be emailed out to all delegates around the end of January 2024.

Please expect communication delays as our Office catches up from the Holidays – We are currently working to respond to all requests as soon as possible; however, we are currently experiencing a high volume of emails. Your patience is greatly appreciated during this time. 

Please remember to utilize the new ORHA Support Ticket Submission WebsiteThe ORHA Support Team is available Monday through Thursday to help with the following technical support issues: 

  • Online Form Store Customers needing support 
    • Purchased form retrievals 
    • Online forms store error(s)
    • Other
  • Local Associations experiencing form ordering issues or needing technical support 
  • ORHA Committee Members needing technical support 
  • ORHA Board Members needing technical support 

Submit an ORHA Support Ticket (click here)

Now that all associations have access to Office 365 Online and Microsoft Teams, the ORHA office will start hosting semi-regular workshops to cover a variety of training topics. Some topics could include learning how to host a webinar using Microsoft Teams, learning how to survey your members using Microsoft Forms, or learning how to have a virtual board meeting. To get started with these workshops, I will be collecting feedback to determine what topics are most desired from the association offices -- Please submit feedback HERE.

For more information or to schedule a one-on-one meeting, please reach out via email or schedule a meeting at your convenience using my calendar link.

Thank you,
Benjamyn Seamans | ORHA Office

2022-2023 Forms Manual

Contact Your Local Association for Purchase!

Now Available for Purchase!

The 2022 - 2023 Forms Manual is now available for purchase with your local association. To find a local association to purchase your manual, click here.

Education Committee Update

Violet Wilson, Committee Chair

The committee continues to work on updating classes and providing Webinars, as well as in-person classes. 

Legislative Update: This PPT will be made available to locals that want to present information at their local meetings at no cost to the local. An updated version will be sent out soon.

Forms Manual Seminar: Sign up for this course and learn a wealth of information on which forms to use in what situations, when to use them, and how to properly fill them out. This course will review all the forms in the manual, when to use them, and how to properly fill them out. Topics will include: screening, move-in, operating, violations, and terminations. The course will be offered multiple times so there will many opportunities to attend. Course requires access to the 2022-2023 Forms Manual -- For available course dates and times, please click HERE.

Mentor Locals: If your Association has less than one hundred members, you are entitled to support from the ORHA Mentor Program. This includes providing classes to your members at reduced costs, helping set up or reviewing your bylaws, and many other services. Recently, we have worked with ROADC, TVRA, CCROA, ROANEO, and MCROA.

Did you know you could take classes offered by other locals? If you are member of another local, you can ask if a member discount can be provided. Check the ORHA website for class offerings. 

Have other ideas for seminars? Please contact me

Upcoming Events

Salem RHA

Landlording 101: Securing Tenancies

01/16/2024 | 12:00 pm


Legislative Update 

01/16/2024 | 04:00 pm


Acts of God and Other Disasters

01/17/2024 | 04:00 pm


Advanced Lease Enforcement

02/06/2024 | 04:00 pm

More Classes

Contact ORHA

Donate Today!

Need a Form?

Oregon Rental Housing Forms are just a click away.

1. Click here.
2. Input your local association code in the field labeled "Enter your Member ID" to receive ORHA forms at more than 1/2 OFF.
3. Choose a form.
4. Click on the form.
5. Input your information.
6. Click "Generate PDF".
7. Click "Check Out" - This will direct you to Paypal.
8. Follow payment directions. Once complete, PayPal will return to the ORHA forms page to "Print Link." This link will also be sent to your email address.

Forms Store

Thank you to our Sponsors!

This message was sent to you by Oregon Rental Housing Association.

PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307 | office@oregonrentalhousing.com | Voicemail: (541) 515-7723

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe below.

The articles in this newsletter are intended to inform the membership and are not intended to convey legal, accounting or other advice. Articles are the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the official positions and/or the views of Oregon Rental Housing Association. The editor and ORHA assumes no liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the material provided in this Newsletter. Appropriate legal, accounting or other expert assistance should be sought from competent professionals.