January 2025 – Happy New Year!

Upcoming Event

(Virtual Attendance) 2024 – 2025 Law and Rule Required Course (LARRC)
- with newest required language on discrimination -

01/15/2025 | 12:00 PM – 03:00 PM Pacific Time

* CEs are available *

Don't Wait! Register Now!

Registration Deadline: 01/13/2025 4:30 PM

More Details/Event Registration

President's Message

Tia Politi, ORHA President

Forms Manual/Law Book
Hope the New Year finds you well! We are excited to be publishing our ORHA Forms Manual – Edition VII this year. Stay tuned for details. As you may recall, the board voted to begin adhering to a regular schedule: new Forms Manual every odd year and new Law Book every even year. We had planned to be offering our new Law Book this year, but because the long session occurs in odd-numbered years and more law changes happen during those long sessions, it made sense to postpone.

I know it’s been a very long time, but remember, you have all the new laws as inserts in the current manual that are also available on the website and with the new law changes that happened in 2023-2024, there are articles that can guide you regarding those law changes! Thank you for your patience.

Bylaws and Policies
We finally finished our bylaws changes, and the updated Bylaws and Policies should be sent out to the local associations this month to have them in hand. Because our vote regarding profit-sharing at the July meeting was found to be improper, we re-voted at the November meeting, and the policy is now approved. If you’ve forgotten what that was about...

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2025 Oregon Annual Rent Increase Percentage

Senate Bill 611 was signed into law on July 06, 2023. This bill capped rent increases at 10.0% or 7.0% plus CPI (whichever is lower) - The exemption for new constructions remains at 15 years.

The allowable annual rent increase in 2025 is 10.0% unless exemptOnly one rent increase may be issued in any 12-month period.

Landlord subject to the rules of the Portland Housing Bureau or the Eugene Rental Housing Code have additional restrictions. Visit https://www.eugene-or.gov/845/Rental-Housing-Program for information on the Eugene rules, and https://www.portland.gov/phb/rental-services for information on the Portland rules.

For more information on the methodology, calculation, and Consumer Price Index data, see: Maximum Annual Rent Increase, 2025 (Excel file).

Additional information can be found on the Oregon.gov website.

Please contact the member helpline for your local association with any questions that you may have. If you do not know the contact information for your local association, you can view the information by clicking HERE.

Update Posted October 2024

Have Questions?

Checkout the ORHA Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Page!


Office Update

Benjamyn Seamans

Upcoming Board Meeting Details:

Our next board meeting will be March 15th. This meeting will be in-person in Medford, Oregon and virtual on Microsoft Teams – Details will be emailed from the ORHA Office later this month.

If you have any questions, please contact the ORHA Office. The board packet will be emailed the week of the meeting – Please check your email for details.

ORHA Continuing Education Credits:

ORHA's Continuing Education Credits are now available online, and class attendees can access their CEs 24/7 – For more information, please visit www.oregonrentalhousing.com/ceportal.

Newsletter Materials:

Do you have any ideas for an upcoming newsletter? Please feel free to email your articles to the ORHA Office – All submissions must be made before the first of the month. 

Want to be a sponsor for our ORHA Newsletter? Contact the ORHA Office for more details.

Thank you for your continued support!

Need Support?

Don't forget about the ORHA Support Ticket Submission Website!

ORHA Support Website

Mind Your Business: Tia's Tips for Better Rental Management – Assistance Animals: Best Practices for Landlords

Tia Politi with assistance from Victoria Smithweiland

Federal Fair Housing laws prohibit discrimination against people who are members of protected classes, in the advertising, sale or leasing of real estate. For rental owners, that means making exceptions to your standard policies or allowing a modification of the premises to allow a member of a protected class (in this case a disabled person) the opportunity to enjoy the dwelling unit the way a nondisabled person could by allowing the keeping of an animal that is not a pet. Under the law, an animal that assists a disabled person is seen as an assistive device.

When it comes to things like wheelchair ramps, visual smoke alarms or shower grab bars, rental owners by and large have no objection to making an exception. Some accommodations such as longer grace periods for rent payments or a dedicated space in a first-come, first-served parking lot, can generate some grumbling. But absolutely nothing causes more upset and opposition than the idea of assistance animals – especially for “no pet” rental owners. 

Much of this attitude is based on hard experience regarding the damage that animals can inflict on rental property. In my experience, more than half of all residencies involving animals generate at least some animal-inflicted damage to the house or grounds. With pets, rental owners can charge higher deposits and higher rent to offset the financial risks. They can also restrict the size, breed, or types of pets, as well as the number of pets on the property. With assistance animals, rental owners lose a lot of control over those decisions. This seems unfair as they are the ones faced with the expense of repairs that may go beyond the amount of a traditional security deposit. Even though assistance animal owners are responsible for any damage caused by their animal, it can be...
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Oregon Rental Housing Forms are just a click away.

1. Click here.
2. Input your local association code in the field labeled "Enter your Member ID" to receive ORHA forms at more than 1/2 OFF.
3. Choose a form.
4. Click on the form.
5. Input your information.
6. Click "Generate PDF".
7. Click "Check Out" - This will direct you to Paypal.
8. Follow payment directions. Once complete, PayPal will return to the ORHA forms page to "Print Link." This link will also be sent to your email address.

Forms Store

2022-2023 Forms Manual

Contact your Local Association for Purchase!

To find a local association to purchase your manual, click here.

Thank you to our Sponsors!

ORHA Sponsors

Want to be a sponsor for our ORHA Newsletter? Contact the ORHA Office for more details.

This message was sent to you by Oregon Rental Housing Association.

PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307 | office@oregonrentalhousing.com

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The articles in this newsletter are intended to inform the membership and are not intended to convey legal, accounting or other advice. Articles are the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the official positions and/or the views of Oregon Rental Housing Association. The editor and ORHA assumes no liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the material provided in this Newsletter. Appropriate legal, accounting or other expert assistance should be sought from competent professionals.