President's Message

Wednesday, January 08, 2025 5:01 PM | Anonymous

By: Tia Politi, ORHA President
January 2025

Forms Manual/Law Book
Hope the New Year finds you well! We are excited to be publishing our ORHA Forms Manual – Edition VII this year. Stay tuned for details. As you may recall, the board voted to begin adhering to a regular schedule: new Forms Manual every odd year and new Law Book every even year. We had planned to be offering our new Law Book this year, but because the long session occurs in odd-numbered years and more law changes happen during those long sessions, it made sense to postpone.

I know it’s been a very long time, but remember, you have all the new laws as inserts in the current manual that are also available on the website and with the new law changes that happened in 2023-2024, there are articles that can guide you regarding those law changes! Thank you for your patience.

Bylaws and Policies
We finally finished our bylaws changes, and the updated Bylaws and Policies should be sent out to the local associations this month to have them in hand. Because our vote regarding profit-sharing at the July meeting was found to be improper, we re-voted at the November meeting, and the policy is now approved. If you’ve forgotten what that was about, Technology Chair Cloud Miller made a motion to include sales of all ORHA products in the profit-sharing money we distribute to our local associations annually. It requires a little more work for the bookkeeper, Finance Committee and ORHA Independent Contractor Ben Seamans, but gives us all skin in the game. With the proposal to add virtual manuals and teach more ORHA-sponsored classes, it should result in a heftier annual distribution.

Save the Date - Property Management Palooza!
Organizational meetings for our 2025 Property Management Palooza in Hood River begin this month. If you are not a member of this committee, and wish to be, please send me an email so I can add you to the list. I can be reached at

We’re happy to return to the eastern part of the state where distances are vast and in-person educational offerings are limited. We encourage you to plan to attend this intensive annual event and make a weekend of it. Hood River is a beautiful part of our state and is known for its spectacular opportunities for hiking, windsurfing and kiteboarding. Hood River County also has some of the best kayaking, mountain biking, downhill and Nordic skiing areas in the United States and was recently named one of the “11 great riverfront towns" in the United States. Interestingly, it is also the only city in Oregon where public consumption of alcohol on sidewalks or parks is completely unrestricted! 

So, mark your calendars for Friday May 16, 2025, for an all-day series of classes for landlords and property managers – details to follow. Bring the family and enjoy some of the great things Hood River has to offer. Hope to see you there.

Tia Politi, ORHA President

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