Upcoming Event!
02/20/2025 01:00 PM – 03:00 PM Pacific Time | (Virtual Attendance) Property Management and Reconciliation Requirements (with Liz Hayes, Compliance Division Manager at the Oregon Real Estate Agency)
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Registration Deadline: Thursday 02/13/2025 4:30 PM Pacific Time
Joining is easy, many of our chapters have online applications. |
Central Oregon ROA Contact: COROA Office Clatsop County ROA Contact: CCROA Office ROA of Douglas County Contact: Centerpointe Property Management c/o ROADC Klamath ROA Contact: KROA Helpline Lane County ROA Contact: Lane ROA Office | Linn-Benton RHA Contact: LBRHA Office or Helpline Mid-Columbia ROA Contact: MCROA Office ROA of Northeast Oregon Contact: ROANEO HelplineHelpline: (541) 624-5788 info@northeastoregonrentalowners.com Portland Area ROA Contact: PAROA Office (971) 316-8366 Salem RHA Contact: SRHA Helpline | Southern Oregon ROA Contact: SOROA Office ROA of S.w. Oregon Contact: ROA – SWO Office Treasure Valley RA Contact: Cindy McLeran c/o TVRA