By: Violet Wilson, Education Committee Chair
October 3, 2021
Due to changes to the Oregon Rental Housing Association office staff, I have taken on the following:
a. Retained copies of the ORHA power point presentations and distribute as requested. Some of the presentations will need to be updated due to recent law changes. A description of each class will be included on the ORHA website as well as available materials.
b. Retaining copies of instructor qualifications forms, W9’s, and CE credits given out.
c. Outlined objectives for each class: in progress.
d. Instructor’s qualifications need to be completed on an OREA form and kept on file for 3 years. This will be added to document storage for ORHA.
Other updates:
a. We have contracted with Peter Bale, a former Agency Investigator, to update the Law and Rule Required Course which includes the new required fair housing language. It will be ready for January classes.
b. Option: Live video class to a local where the members meet in person is in the works.
c. Continuing to look at selling our power point presentations to non-members.
d. The committee would like to know who schedules classes at a local level and get information to them.
Current available classes
- Housing Provider 101 (2hr.)
- Housing Provider 102 (2 hr.)
- Law Update, Part 1 (2 hr.)
- Law Update, Part 2 (2 hr.)
- Law Update, Part 1 (1 hr.)
- Law Update, Part 2 (1 hr.)
- Law Update, Part 3 (1 hr.)
- Legislative Update: Revised 7/21
- Law Update, 3 hrs.
- Temporary Occupant, 1 hr.
- Odds and Ends of Property Management
- Acts of God and other Disasters
- Property Management Policies
b. Other classes available by request.
Membership in a Box, updated by Ben Seamans, is available for local ROA chapters to review the needs of their associations. It has interactive links to important information needed.