By: Violet Wilson, ORHA Education Committee Chair
October 27, 2021
The committee has been working on long-range planning goals, including:
- Increasing the available ORHA classes for use by member associations and other organizations.
- Direct sales of completed presentations to non-members.
- Adding to our list of qualified speakers
- Continuing to reach out to our smaller locals who need more support.
A number of classes on the new Landlord Guarantee Program (LGP), which provide funds to housing providers who waited out the sixty day “safe harbor” period but did not get funds from the tenants or rent programs, have been presented. The power point on the LGP was also sent out to local associations for their use.
The new Law and Rule Required course (LARRC) with the new discrimination requirements will be completed by January and LARRC classes will be offered after that time.
Continuing Education Certificates processing for ORHA classes has been centralized and will be completed and sent out by a single individual. This should speed up the timelines for receipt of the certificates by attendees.
The committee is always looking for new ideas on what to teach. Please contact Violet at