President's Message: Upcoming Board Meeting

Saturday, October 30, 2021 12:41 PM | Anonymous

By: Tia Politi, ORHA President
October 28th, 2021

We will be holding our November Board Meeting virtually on November 20, 2021 (9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.), and Committee meetings the day before. The agenda will go out soon so save the date(s). If you don’t know what it means to be a delegate for your local chapter, it means that you agree to attend regular board meetings (six per year – January, March, May, July, September, November) and represent the views of your membership. Please know that if you become a delegate, we will make you work! All delegates are required to belong to at least one committee, but many of us belong to or chair multiple committees. What are the options? Check out the list below.

Since COVID changed the way we do a lot of things, we are now able to allow virtual attendance at our in-person board and committee meeting – thank you Technology Committee. Many committee meetings are held the Friday before the Board meetings, and at other times as well. All ORHA members are invited to participate in our committee meetings without being a delegate, we welcome your suggestions and ideas, but know that if you think something wonderful needs to happen, we may be put you in charge of it.

Nothing great happens without a great team, so thank your delegates and committee chairs, they are moving us forward!

ORHA Committees – just in case you’re wondering what we do…

  • By-Laws Committee – Ben Seamans, Chair – Evaluates and updates bylaws as needed. We are currently close to the end of finalizing the biggest changes to our bylaws in many years, but we strive for continual improvement.
  • Education/Mentoring Committee – Violet Wilson, Chair – Develops classes and presenters to provide education to members in a variety of topics. This committee also provides special support to smaller chapters through the Mentoring Program, assisting them with developing and growing their membership by offering lower rates for educational webinars and by assisting with the nuts and bolts of such tasks as bylaws, officers, tax filings, etc.
  • Finance Committee – Jill Maricich, Chair – Oversees all aspects of ORHA finances.
  • Forms Committee – Tia Politi, Chair – Creates and updates forms, produces the Forms Manual and Law Book. (New Forms Manual coming soon!)
  • Legislative Committee – Jason Miller, Chair – Works with the Legislative Director and Lobbyist to craft strategy and responses to legislation that impacts housing providers.

o Rapid Response Committee – This is a subcommittee of Legislative comprised of a smaller number of members who agree to drop almost anything to respond to our Legislative Director and Lobbyist when they need a rapid response.

  • Long-Range Planning Committee – Rick Newton, Chair – Takes the long view of our mission and the steps that must be implemented to achieve that mission and our specific goals.
  • Membership/Dues Committee – Jason Miller, Chair – Works to increase membership. Evaluates and recommends suggestions for improvement and dues increases to meet budgetary goals.
  • Newsletter Committee – Maria Menguita, Chair – Produces the ORHA Newsletter, including content, design and editing.
  • Survey Committee – Alex Wilkens, Chair – Prepares and sends surveys to members for data collection. Knowing the mind-set of our membership helps us more effectively advocate for and serve our network around the state.
  • Technology Committee – Cloud Miller, Chair – Implements technology solutions and upgrades for the work we do. From the Forms Store to the technology platforms we use, this committee is our own Geek Squad!
  • Website/Social Media Committee – Maria Menguita, Chair – Oversees our social media platforms, sourcing and reviewing content for our website, Facebook page and Twitter. Responds to queries from the public.

We have two other groups affiliated with ORHA: The ORH Key-PAC and ORHA Education, Inc.

ORH Key-PAC – The PAC solicits, collects, and distributes campaign contributions to legislators in Oregon, opening doors and ears to our message, “Housing providers are not the problem, but the solution to Oregon’s housing woes.”

ORHA Education, Inc. – This distinct non-profit was created after the disastrous rollout of “education” after the passage of the Housing Choice Act of 2014. After attending some of these sessions, many of us in ORHA knew we could do better and under the guidance of Past President Michael Steffan, created a non-profit dedicated to seeking grant moneys to provide fact-based, impartial education to both housing providers and residents. We did a successful rollout of free classes across the state after the passage of SB 608 and now we are working to obtain grants to roll out Tenant Training to all high schoolers in the state of Oregon.

Stable Housing = Stable Lives = Stable Communities

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PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307
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