By: Tia Politi, ORHA Forms Committee Chair
February, 2022
As I reported in last month’s President’s Message, we are transitioning to a drop-ship company, Moonlight BPO, to print and ship our legal forms. Like any transition, there have been bumps in the road! Thank you for your patience as we smooth out the bumpy parts. Also, we have discontinued offering our free application on the forms store due to some major changes in law related to resident screening. Some of our other forms have been slightly improved, others significantly improved, but some must be purged and not used anymore. The following table shows which forms have been changed, but are still useful, which forms should be purged, and which forms have stayed the same. This table will be updated and re-published as we continue with our major revisions.
On that subject, we are nearing the end of this round of forms changes and will then be shifting our focus to creation and publication of our new Forms Manual 2022.
Folks are also asking about a new Law Book. Our current version is 2020, and because of the pandemic, in 2021, we only had a few permanent changes to landlord-tenant law related to screening, so we are going to see what this short session brings. At this time, the plan is to continue selling 2020 Law Books, but provide a free insert to explain the permanent changes. If the short session creates significant law changes, we may reconsider, but at this time, the plan is to produce a new Law Book after the 2023 long session.