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02/20/2025 01:00 PM – 03:00 PM Pacific Time | (Virtual Attendance) Property Management and Reconciliation Requirements (with Liz Hayes, Compliance Division Manager at the Oregon Real Estate Agency)

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Registration Deadline: Thursday 02/13/2025 4:30 PM Pacific Time

President's Message

Thursday, April 07, 2022 12:48 PM | Anonymous

By: Tia Politi, ORHA President
Date: 04/03/2022

With a flurry of COVID-19 law overlays implemented over the past two years we have thankfully been spared a deluge of new restrictions on housing providers. There were, however, a few law changes related to screening that came out of the 2021 long session, and a couple of important changes from the 2022 short session. I wrote an extensive article on those screening changes back in January, and this month check out Legislative Director Jason Miller’s write up on HB 1536 regarding new restrictions and requirements on portable cooling devices.

The Forms Committee is launching a new form for housing providers to send to residents about this new law. If you want to restrict the ability of residents to install portable cooling devices, you MUST send a written notice. This isn’t something that residents need to sign for, but it must be sent, or you won’t be able to restrict your residents from installing a device in pretty much any way they want.

You should also be aware of the passage of HB 2077 this past session, which changed and increased enforcement penalties for violations of abatement of lead-based paint. While property owners are not required to be licensed contractors, they have been required to be certified in lead-based paint abatement since 2010. This new law now holds property owners and property managers liable for knowingly contracting with a third party who is not certified under ORS 431A.355 to perform lead-based paint activities or renovation when certification was required. Go to:   https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/HealthyEnvironments/HealthyNeighborhoods/LeadPoisoning/Pages/rrp.aspx#require for more information. Training in safe lead-based paint abatement is available throughout the state.

We’ve had a couple of changes in the Executive Committee over the past month. Violet Wilson was voted in at the March meeting to take over the position of ORHA Secretary (thanks, Violet!), and Dennis Chappa has agreed to serve as interim ORHA Treasurer until we can get board approval to make this change permanent (thanks, Dennis!).

Our March meeting in Springfield was well-attended. A group of us hit the golf course restaurant for a good time eating, drinking, and socializing on Friday night after committee meetings. Our May meeting is scheduled for May 20th and 21st in beautiful Astoria, Oregon at the Bayfront Best Western Hotel. For reservation information and special pricing, see our announcement elsewhere in the newsletter.

We are putting together a bigger event this year to include a special day of classes on Thursday, May 19th at the Astoria Elks Lodge. Delegate Christian Bryant (Portland Area ROA), Secretary Violet Wilson (Salem RHA), and I (Lane ROA) are donating our time to teach three 2-hour classes with proceeds benefiting the Clatsop County ROA. After class is over, we are staying for an hour to have a meet and greet with local legislators, members, and attendees with a no-host bar and finger foods. Check out the announcement and schedule of classes in the newsletter.

As an association with fewer than 100 members, CCROA is part of the mentorship program with ORHA. We are hoping this special event will help them grow and thrive and create awareness in their community, and we look forward to doing similar events every May when we visit a “far-flung” association. Office Manager Ben Seamans and ORHA Technology Committee Chair Cloud Miller, will be working with their officers to provide one-on-one mentoring as well. Come early and join in if you want to take some reasonably priced classes (CE credits are available) and press the flesh!

We are also setting up a Friday dinner fun-time after committee meetings (location TBA). It’s a great time to get away and have some relaxing fun amidst all the work. We’ll need to know if you plan to attend dinner so we can make appropriate reservations. Email Office Manager and ORHA VP, Ben Seamans, at office@oregonrentalhousing.com no later than Monday, May 2nd if you plan to attend the group dinner. Once we know the count, we will find an appropriate venue and let you know where and when to meet. Hope to see you there!

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PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307
Contact ORHA (click here)
ORHA Support Team: support@oregonrentalhousing.com
ORHA Office: office@oregonrentalhousing.com

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