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02/20/2025 01:00 PM – 03:00 PM Pacific Time | (Virtual Attendance) Property Management and Reconciliation Requirements (with Liz Hayes, Compliance Division Manager at the Oregon Real Estate Agency)

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President's Message

Wednesday, September 06, 2023 1:20 PM | Anonymous

By: Tia Politi, ORHA President
September 2023

Looking forward to seeing our chapter delegates at our September meeting in Bend for committee meetings and the Leadership Dinner on Friday the 15th, and the board meeting on Saturday the 16th. If you’re able to stay over on Saturday, a group of us will be heading to McMennamin’s Old Francis School after the meeting to enjoy their “Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day” celebration with The Ballybogs a traditional Irish music band from 3:30 – 6 p.m., followed by Major Dudes – a Steely Dan Tribute Band from 7 – 9:30 a.m. for those who can stay up later. After all that hard work we need some fun and R & R. Hope to see you there!

The September meeting is where we set our annual calendar for the next year. Not as challenging as it used to be now that we have set venues for two out of our four meetings each year. We’ll be deciding on venues for March in the southern Oregon region and May 2023 when we do our property management seminar.

On August 25, 2023, the city of Eugene enacted Phase II of its renter protections. Read my article later in the newsletter. Part of it is quite complex with various notice periods that if missed, will incur very high penalties. Just like with Portland’s ill-advised overlays to state law, I continue to hear about landlords selling and taking their money out of the area. Of course, the big guys keep building their giant complexes so on paper it may look like we’re adding units but not everyone wants to live in an apartment. Anyway, it is what it is, and we must adapt. The Forms Committee is racing to provide forms to meet the need, but they aren’t quite ready yet.

After the September meeting we won’t meet again in person until March. We meet virtually in November and remember at our July board meeting we voted to stop meeting in January, so we all have time to get our taxes done!

Hope to see you then.

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PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307
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ORHA Office: office@oregonrentalhousing.com

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