The ORHA Office is Currently Closed from 02/14/2025 until 02/23/2025 – We will return to normal business hours on 02/24/2025. Please continue sending emails/submitting support tickets and we will do our best to respond to these when we return to normal business hours on the 24th. 

If you need assistance while our office is closed, please contact your Local Association directly. If you do not know the contact information for your Local Association, it can be located at Additionally, you may visit the ORHA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page at

Thank you very much, your patience is greatly appreciated. 
– ORHA Office & ORHA Support Team

President's Message

Wednesday, November 06, 2024 3:24 PM | Anonymous

By: Tia Politi, ORHA President
November 2024

Happy Holidays to you! We at Oregon Rental Housing Association provide our members with top-notch support through our rental forms and through the efforts of our county associations. Each chapter is independently run with support from the leadership team at ORHA. Each association provides delegates that take their turn at leadership and vote on policies and procedures to effectively move us forward to greater heights.

Nominations for officers for the 2025-2027 term are being accepted. You should have received an email twice now from our Nomination Committee Chair Tanya Dean. Please take a few minutes and send in your nominations. Remember, you can always be self-nominated. Voting will take place during the March meeting, and if needed, voting will also take place for one or more At-Large executive members.

We have four regions in ORHA – 1) Metro Region which includes Central Oregon ROA in Bend, Lane County Rental Owners Association in Springfield, and Portland Area ROA in Portland; 2) Northeastern Region which includes Clatsop County ROA in Astoria, Linn-Benton RHA in Corvallis, and Salem RHA in Salem; 3) Southern Region which includes ROA of Douglas County, in Roseburg, Klamath ROA in Klamath Falls, ROA of Southwestern Oregon, in Coos Bay, and Southern Oregon ROA in Medford; and 4) Eastern Region which includes ROA of Northeastern Oregon in La Grande, Mid-Columbia ROA in the Dalles, Treasure Valley RA in Ontario, and Umatilla ROA in Hermiston.

Our bylaws require that all regions of the state be represented on the Executive Committee, so if after voting a region is not represented, delegates will vote at that meeting for an At-Large member to serve on the Executive Committee for a two-year term. This past term, all but the Southern Region was represented and Joanne Williams of ROADC has served in that role. See you in March for the vote!

© 2015-2024 Oregon Rental Housing Association - All Rights Reserved
PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307
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