President's Message

Friday, February 07, 2025 3:00 PM | Anonymous

By: Tia Politi, ORHA President
February 2025

The Legislature is in Session
The long legislative session is in full swing. Stay tuned for updates as our Legislative Team reports on the bills we are tracking and be ready to respond to their calls to action. You may not think your voice matters but it does. If you don’t feel comfortable providing oral testimony at committee meetings that’s okay; even your written testimony makes a big difference, so please help us keep proposed legislation that works against our business to a minimum! See the full list of bills we’re tracking later in the newsletter.

March Meeting in Medford
We’re looking forward to our first Board Meeting of the year in Medford. Committee Meetings are on Friday, board meeting on Saturday and one-hour training on Sunday morning before we leave. Events can be attended in-person or online, meeting details were emailed from the ORHA Office to all ORHA Delegates on 02/07/2025. This year’s meeting will include election of officers for terms beginning in July and we have a robust slate of candidates to continue to lead ORHA into a bright future.

Violet Wilson of SRHA is finishing up her third Train the Trainer class for instructors who want to be certified to teach ORHA classes. This class is in-person only and attendees are presenting to the group for feedback. It’s been a great series even for experienced teachers like me and we hope that it will lead to more members of our local associations giving teaching a try. I was nervous and uncertain when I began teaching small groups in Lane County, but with a good outline and knowledge of how management works in Oregon, I gained confidence over time. Now I teach a lot of classes around the state and find that members are hungry for quality information as our landlord-tenant laws frequently change. If you missed this opportunity to take the classes, Violet will be offering the series again in the future. Watch for details to come.

Palooza Planning – Want to be a sponsor?
We’re off to a good start planning for ORHA’s annual Property Management Palooza! Save the date (May 16, 2025) and plan to join us for a full day of in-person learning in beautiful Hood River, OR. Proceeds will benefit our newly revitalized Mid-Columbia Rental Owners Association (MCROA) under the leadership of Tanya Dean. If you can’t make it in person, you can also join us online. Registration will begin in March or April – watch for links as we get closer.

Following our third Palooza in Hermiston last year, when Randy Randall of Preferred Property Management, Inc. treated the attendees to lunch, we decided to seek out sponsors for future Paloozas to help us cover costs so more money can go to the association to help with their growth. Tanya’s employers at Columbia River Property Management have generously offered to sponsor lunch, but we have room for others as well. With costs for the room, hotel rooms for speakers as well as other costs to cover, we are offering three levels of sponsorship: Level 1 – $100 with the sponsor’s logo printed in all of the promotional and class materials; Level 2 – $200 to include the benefits of Level 1 along with a host table for the sponsor to advertise their wares to attendees during breaks and lunch; Level 3 – $300 to include the benefits of Levels 1 & 2, with a 5-minute presentation during class breaks. Want to get on board? Reach out to the ORHA Office at and you’ll be reaching property managers and landlords throughout the state.

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PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307
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