By: Tia Politi, ORHA President
March 2025
Board Meeting in Medford – March 14 & 15, 2025
There’s a lot going on at this month’s meeting in Medford. Thanks so much to SOROA Vice President Sandee Webb for finding us a great venue!
Violet Wilson of Salem Rental Housing Association is hosting her final Train the Trainer class on Friday after committee meetings for folks who want to be certified to teach ORHA classes. It’s been a great series and if you missed it this time around she is planning to teach it again in the future. Violet is a long-time educator and a wealth of information, encouragement and advice, even for experienced presenters like me. At this final class on Friday, class attendees are delivering a 15-minute presentation using PowerPoint on any subject related to property management.
Even if you haven’t taken the classes, you are welcome to join us at 1 p.m. to watch the presentations. Violet says you can help evaluate or just watch and learn.
ORHA Elections
Our March meeting is when we vote for new officers and at-large members to serve on the ORHA Executive Committee for two-year terms beginning July 1, 2025. We have a robust slate of interested candidates but always open nominations from the floor if anyone wants to throw their hat or someone else’s into the ring at the last minute.
Previously, voting happened in May, but the Board voted to move elections up to March as early voting helps new officers transition into their new positions less abruptly and receive some mentoring if needed by the outgoing officer.
Many thanks to Nomination Chair Tanya Dean of Mid-Columbia Rental Owners Association who stepped up and with the help of ORHA Independent Contractor Ben Seamans, made this bi-annual event super smooth. And thanks to all of you who submitted nominations or agreed to serve.
Mid-Columbia Property Management Palooza – Save the Date!
Planning meetings for this year’s Palooza in Hood River on Friday, May 16, 2025, are well in hand. The Palooza committee has secured the venue at the Hampton Inn and Suites – 1 Nichols Parkway, Hood River, and decided on the classes that instructors are offering. This year’s instructors include Violet Wilson vice president of the Salem Rental Housing Association, Christian Bryant president of the Portland Area Rental Owners Association, Jason Miller, vice president of the Linn-Benton Rental Housing Association, and me, Tia Politi, president of the Rental Owners Association of Lane County and ORHA. Just like Palooza’s past the idea is to highlight a smaller chapter in the Association, bringing attention to their area, helping to increase their membership and providing a financial boost to help them achieve their goals while providing high-level property management education to our members far and wide. Tanya Dean of Mid-Columbia Rental Owners Association has been single-handedly reenergized her group, and we’re excited to see what we can do to help them grow.
As usual, classes will be offered in person and virtually, but I encourage you to consider attending in person. There’s something magical about being around a bunch of people who share the same interests striving toward common goals. And Hood River is gorgeous! So much to do and see, so bring the family, stay for the weekend and remember, your expenses for the trip as well as the cost to attend classes are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Hope to see you there.
Palooza Sponsorships
This year, the group is offering sponsorships for the Palooza to help defray expenses. Tanya’s employers at Columbia River Property Management (formerly John L Scott Property Management) are sponsoring lunch, but other sponsorship opportunities are available as follows:
- Level 1 - $100 - Your company’s logo on all our advertising and class materials.
- Level 2 - $200 - Includes the benefits of Level 1 and allows your company to host a table at the event to provide personal contact and advertising materials.
- Level 3 - $300 - Includes the benefits of Levels 1 and 2 and allows you the opportunity for a five-minute presentation to class attendees.
Contact ORHA Office and sponsorship chair Tanya Dean at if you want to be a sponsor!