Eviction Moratorium Extended

Wednesday, September 30, 2020 3:04 PM | Anonymous

By: Mark L. Busch, P.C. Attorney at Law
Jun 27, 2020

In its special session, the Oregon Legislature passed legislation extending the state’s eviction moratorium through September 30, 2020. House Bill 4213 prohibits residential and commercial evictions based on nonpayment of rent or other charges owed to the landlord, and further prohibits no-cause evictions against residential tenants. Late fees are also waived for both residential and commercial tenants throughout the emergency period (April 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020).

For residential tenancies, HB 4213 prohibits landlords from issuing ANY nonpayment notices for rent, utility charges, or other service charges or fees owed to the landlord, and prohibits issuing any no-cause eviction notices. Residential landlords are also prohibited from filing any nonpayment or no-cause eviction cases in court. Commercial landlords cannot issue nonpayment notices to their tenants or file nonpayment eviction cases in court. Landlords may still pursue for-cause evictions based on anything other than nonpayment. (Note: Landlords are also prohibited from reporting a tenant’s nonpayment balance as delinquent to any consumer credit reporting agency.)

There is no requirement for tenants to provide any proof of their inability to pay during the emergency period. Rent and other charges owed to the landlord are automatically suspended if the tenant cannot or simply does not pay. However, both residential and commercial tenants are still ultimately responsible for rent and other charges that accrue during the emergency period (except late fees).

HB 4213 establishes a 6-month grace period following the emergency period for tenants to pay their outstanding nonpayment balances to the landlord by March 31, 2021. Following the emergency period, landlords can issue a written notice to tenants informing them of the 6-month repayment period, the balance due, and requiring them to respond within 14 days with either payment or with notice that they intend to pay by the end of the 6-month grace period. Tenants who fail to respond at all can be penalized with damages payable to the landlord equal to 50% of one month’s rent following the grace period.

Beginning October 1, 2020, tenants will be responsible for making their regular rent payments and other payments owed to the landlord under the rental agreement. Landlords can also begin issuing nonpayment notices after that date, but only for amounts that come due AFTER the emergency period ends. Landlords cannot issue nonpayment notices or evict tenants based on their nonpayment balance that accrued during the emergency period. If a tenant fails to pay the nonpayment balance by the end of the grace period, the landlord will need to file suit (small claims or otherwise) to recover that amount. Landlords who violate HB 4213 can be sued for injunctive relief, actual damages, three months’ rent, attorney fees, and court costs.

The Landlord Newsletter is general in nature and is not intended as legal advice for any specific issue that might arise, since every situation is different. Always consult a knowledgeable landlord attorney with your specific legal issues.

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