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02/20/2025 01:00 PM – 03:00 PM Pacific Time | (Virtual Attendance) Property Management and Reconciliation Requirements (with Liz Hayes, Compliance Division Manager at the Oregon Real Estate Agency)

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  • Tuesday, December 07, 2021 12:53 PM | Anonymous

    By: Tia Politi, ORHA President
    January 1st, 2022

    Hope everyone had a Happy Holiday season!

    Our legislative team has been hard at work fighting for your rights. Our new Legislative Director, Jason Miller, really stepped in it when he was voted into this position. He came on just as COVID was in full swing and along with Lobbyist Shawn Miller has been drinking from the fire hose so to speak. For those of us on the Legislative and Rapid Response committees, his commitment has been outstanding. Shawn has also been working for us harder than ever, meeting with legislators and negotiating the best outcomes within the framework of a triple Democrat majority in Salem. They are on the front lines and need your support, both in terms of donations to the ORH Key PAC and in terms of your time. If you want to see what happens behind the scenes, get involved in this committee. There are opportunities to participate in work groups and hearings beyond just sending in messages to your legislators (which we very much appreciate). Contact Jason if you would like to join in or volunteer – orhalegislative@gmail.com

    We are heading into one of the most exciting races for Governor this year and we will continue to advocate for candidates who support our efforts to provide housing to citizens of our great state, with the minimum level of restriction and interference. Fortunately, with COVID at the front of legislators’ concerns, we had few permanent changes in landlord-tenant law in the 2021 long session. Read my article "Tenant Screening – Senate Bill 282, Senate Bill 291, and Best Practices in Screening" for a full run down on how the changes impact our business, and how to use proper (and legal) applicant screening to keep your business profitable.

    Due to these changes, we have revamped our forms, and unfortunately, have had to discontinue offering our Application to Rent for free on the Forms Store site. We are always working to help our base of private housing providers stay out of trouble and with the changes to screening law, we felt that an application by itself would not be enough to keep folks compliant with the new laws. Thank you to Technology Chair Cloud Miller, who took our Application and combined it with our updated Application Screening Guidelines form and created a new Information Release form to create a 4-page packet that ensures our members stay in line with the updates to screening law. The new packets are available now.

    And of course, thank you to all of you who continue to do your part to support us and our members throughout the state. Let’s keep it that way - stay involved, let your voices be heard, and let’s hope this New Year is happier than the last two have been!

  • Saturday, October 30, 2021 12:41 PM | Anonymous

    By: Tia Politi, ORHA President
    October 28th, 2021

    We will be holding our November Board Meeting virtually on November 20, 2021 (9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.), and Committee meetings the day before. The agenda will go out soon so save the date(s). If you don’t know what it means to be a delegate for your local chapter, it means that you agree to attend regular board meetings (six per year – January, March, May, July, September, November) and represent the views of your membership. Please know that if you become a delegate, we will make you work! All delegates are required to belong to at least one committee, but many of us belong to or chair multiple committees. What are the options? Check out the list below.

    Since COVID changed the way we do a lot of things, we are now able to allow virtual attendance at our in-person board and committee meeting – thank you Technology Committee. Many committee meetings are held the Friday before the Board meetings, and at other times as well. All ORHA members are invited to participate in our committee meetings without being a delegate, we welcome your suggestions and ideas, but know that if you think something wonderful needs to happen, we may be put you in charge of it.

    Nothing great happens without a great team, so thank your delegates and committee chairs, they are moving us forward!

    ORHA Committees – just in case you’re wondering what we do…

    • By-Laws Committee – Ben Seamans, Chair – Evaluates and updates bylaws as needed. We are currently close to the end of finalizing the biggest changes to our bylaws in many years, but we strive for continual improvement.
    • Education/Mentoring Committee – Violet Wilson, Chair – Develops classes and presenters to provide education to members in a variety of topics. This committee also provides special support to smaller chapters through the Mentoring Program, assisting them with developing and growing their membership by offering lower rates for educational webinars and by assisting with the nuts and bolts of such tasks as bylaws, officers, tax filings, etc.
    • Finance Committee – Jill Maricich, Chair – Oversees all aspects of ORHA finances.
    • Forms Committee – Tia Politi, Chair – Creates and updates forms, produces the Forms Manual and Law Book. (New Forms Manual coming soon!)
    • Legislative Committee – Jason Miller, Chair – Works with the Legislative Director and Lobbyist to craft strategy and responses to legislation that impacts housing providers.

    o Rapid Response Committee – This is a subcommittee of Legislative comprised of a smaller number of members who agree to drop almost anything to respond to our Legislative Director and Lobbyist when they need a rapid response.

    • Long-Range Planning Committee – Rick Newton, Chair – Takes the long view of our mission and the steps that must be implemented to achieve that mission and our specific goals.
    • Membership/Dues Committee – Jason Miller, Chair – Works to increase membership. Evaluates and recommends suggestions for improvement and dues increases to meet budgetary goals.
    • Newsletter Committee – Maria Menguita, Chair – Produces the ORHA Newsletter, including content, design and editing.
    • Survey Committee – Alex Wilkens, Chair – Prepares and sends surveys to members for data collection. Knowing the mind-set of our membership helps us more effectively advocate for and serve our network around the state.
    • Technology Committee – Cloud Miller, Chair – Implements technology solutions and upgrades for the work we do. From the Forms Store to the technology platforms we use, this committee is our own Geek Squad!
    • Website/Social Media Committee – Maria Menguita, Chair – Oversees our social media platforms, sourcing and reviewing content for our website, Facebook page and Twitter. Responds to queries from the public.

    We have two other groups affiliated with ORHA: The ORH Key-PAC and ORHA Education, Inc.

    ORH Key-PAC – The PAC solicits, collects, and distributes campaign contributions to legislators in Oregon, opening doors and ears to our message, “Housing providers are not the problem, but the solution to Oregon’s housing woes.”

    ORHA Education, Inc. – This distinct non-profit was created after the disastrous rollout of “education” after the passage of the Housing Choice Act of 2014. After attending some of these sessions, many of us in ORHA knew we could do better and under the guidance of Past President Michael Steffan, created a non-profit dedicated to seeking grant moneys to provide fact-based, impartial education to both housing providers and residents. We did a successful rollout of free classes across the state after the passage of SB 608 and now we are working to obtain grants to roll out Tenant Training to all high schoolers in the state of Oregon.

    Stable Housing = Stable Lives = Stable Communities

  • Saturday, October 30, 2021 11:30 AM | Anonymous

    By Tia Politi, ORHA President
    October 28th, 2021

    Does your household have a budget, or at least a reasonable idea of what your expenses are relative to your income and needs? Do you have a savings account? An emergency fund? Hope so, but if not, you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that, if misery loves company, you’re not alone. Most people don’t have those things. They tend to spend more than they make, carry loads of credit card debt, and live paycheck to paycheck. But if you’re a rental owner, haphazard financial planning will impact your ability to succeed. You must plan and set aside money for regular maintenance and periodic replacement of larger components of your housing units. Your property will require it, and your success depends on it.

    When my husband and I bought our first rental property, I learned that the lender would only consider 65% of the rent as income for calculating our debt-to-income ratio because they were factoring in the costs of maintenance, overhead, vacancy loss, insurance and taxes. They expected that on average, we would have to spend 35 cents of every dollar we received to cover those things. And that’s a pretty good estimate for an average property over time.

    When you’re performing a needs assessment for any property, you need to factor in the age of the property along with the age of the components like HVAC systems, roof, siding, windows, paint, light fixtures, faucets, and the list goes on. Many times when I managed property in the private sector, owners would tell me they couldn’t afford this or that repair or replacement, and either their property would continue to degrade from deferred maintenance or the repair was required and they would have to take on debt to pay the bill. Neither of these options is viable for the long term investor. If you can’t afford to maintain your property, you might want to consider that you made a bad investment and divest yourself.

    The benefits of solid financial planning include a well-maintained property with happy residents who stay for a long time, no financial surprises that stress you out and over-spend your economic resources, and a property that is ready to sell at any time with few or no upgrades needed.

    Penny-Wise, Pound Foolish: How to spend more by trying to spend less
    A lot of rental owners get a shock when they see the hourly costs of hiring a licensed contractor and instead find an unlicensed handyman for much less. But tempting fate is a poor choice. What are the risks? There is always the joyful possibility of blackmail by the resident who threatens to turn you in to building officials for violating the law; lawsuits by residents or neighbors, and agency fines for improper handling of hazardous materials like lead-based paint or asbestos; or substandard work that results in damage to your property – and maybe liability for damage to someone else’s property.

    I took over management of a historic home in downtown Eugene, and when the owner and I went to look at it, we were surprised to note that the historic property next door was in the midst of exterior painting. It was clear that the painters were amateurs without the proper training or licensing, because they had pressure washed the exterior of the home, spewing paint chips that contained lead far and wide, including on my client’s property. Once the EPA got involved, not only did the job come to a screeching halt, but the owner was fined thousands of dollars by the agency, he had to spend thousands more to abate the lead chips and dust that had spread to neighboring properties as well as his own, and he had to hire a lead-based paint certified painter anyway to finish the job. It was a stupid choice that cost him far more than hiring a certified painter would have charged to do the job right the first time.

    Another way working on the cheap can cost you is when you choose to have residents perform repairs. An acquaintance of mine had some older homes that needed work and no money, she said, to hire pros to do the job so she repeatedly worked out deals with residents – you fix up the place and you get to stay for free until the work is done. Every time she did this, that I’m aware of, she ended up in court, because once the work was done, the residents didn’t want to start paying rent, and when she tired of their threats to report her to the city and sued them in eviction court for non-payment, they had numerous defenses.

    She would eventually get her property back, but only after losing months of rent, and paying substantial costs for travel to defend her suits. In almost every case, the coups de grace would come when the residents turned her in to the city for the unpermitted work they had done, costing her double the initial permit fees, and requiring that she tear out and redo much of the work the residents had done. Not only did she not save money, she caused herself an incredible amount of stress.

    I’m sure there are notable examples of residents performing excellent work and happy rental owners all around, but like going into business with family it carries inordinate risk of damage to the relationship, creating undercurrents of tension in what otherwise would be a pleasant business exchange. The resident feels underpaid, the housing provider feels cheated by poor quality, whatever. It doesn’t usually turn out well.

    Using cheap materials is almost always a poor choice – housing providers end up paying more while thinking they’re paying less, both in the short and long term. Quality products and materials will reward a long-term investor in a number of ways. The first are happier residents, but even if looking at self-interest alone, better materials mean longer lifespan, fewer repairs, higher rents and a higher value if or when you refinance or sell. In my experience, a quality home attracts quality residents, and quality residents are a blessing unto their housing providers.

    Another way you can lose money is by insisting on doing all the work yourself. One man I know prides himself on doing everything on his own with used or free materials whenever possible, never hiring out the work. As an intelligent man in so many areas, I can’t understand why he didn’t see that although he saved a great deal of money on the upgrades themselves, he wasn’t factoring in the cost of the lost rent he could have gotten had he hired out at least some of the work. One project that could have been done in three to six months, ended up taking almost two years at more than $1200 per month in lost rent. He worked himself to exhaustion and cost himself money overall, not a wise choice. He also ended up with a home that was terribly mismatched with different cabinets, doors, carpeting, etc., effectively setting himself up for either short-term tenancies or marginal residents, and most certainly lower rent.

    Watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves: It’s good to be frugal
    While it’s important to know when to go ahead and spend for repairs, keeping a tight rein on your budget is equally important. There are very creative ways to save money, whether you are a do-it-yourself type or not, and getting the maximum lifespan out of all of your components will reward you over the long term. Good roof care can limp a marginal roof along for years. My husband and I bought a small rental near our home that we thought would need a new roof within no more than five years, but with detailed cleaning and moss treatment, and occasional shingle repairs, we got 12 years out of that roof, seven more than anyone would have thought. It gave us more time to save for a replacement.

    The same is true of fences. At a cost of (ouch!) $48 or more per linear foot for cedar fencing right now, new fences can be quite costly, but with some extra love and support, that old wooden fence can limp along for years. With rotted posts, you can sink a buddy post right behind the old one, and bind them together with earthquake straps. Rotted stringers or broken fence boards can also be replaced, helping you get the maximum life possible. When replacement time comes, chain link is actually much cheaper ($23-$30 a linear foot) and will last much longer.

    Damaged sections of siding can be replaced using strategically placed Z-flashing and touch-up paint. Cabinets can be stripped and restored, decks can be limped along with replacement of rotting boards and regular application of preservative, bathtubs can be resurfaced at one-third the cost of new, and a spring rod with a nice curtain costs way less than new closet doors, and they don’t keep falling off the tracks. Flooring remnants can save you hundreds of dollars if you’re willing to have more limited choices. Old Formica countertops can be made like new with creative new paint coatings that look like granite. Some thrift stores sell recycled paint that is 25 percent of the price of new.

    Overstock sections at home improvement stores are a great place to find replacement items at bargain prices, as are places like the Habitat for Humanity Restore. I once got several large quality beveled mirrors there for $35 each that had been pulled out of the Hilton Hotel when they were remodeling, and made my rental units look extra fancy. When I needed a new double-sink bath vanity for a rental, I found a cool antique sideboard at a second-hand store that I refinished, drilled holes for the sinks and plumbing, and tiled the top, all for about $500, including installation and plumbing. It did require more time on my part than purchasing a ready-made set, so sometimes the question is, what do you have more of: time or money? At that point in my life I had more time than money so it made sense; now I might have to make a different choice.

    Preventative maintenance: A stitch in time saves nine
    When you’re looking to manage your budget, preventative maintenance is crucial. Caulking is one of the cheapest preventative maintenance tools, but one of the most expensive when ignored. Spend a few dollars to keep things sealed up or you could be spending hundreds or thousands to repair water damage.

    Keeping your roofs and gutters clean and downspouts clear will dramatically extend their lifespan as will replacing damaged shingles right away. Rot spreads very quickly in the rainy Pacific Northwest, so don’t put off dealing with it or you’ll be faced with a much bigger project. Watch for rot in your subfloors, especially the bathrooms and you can stop a problem in its tracks. Seeping leaks at the toilet flange can be almost unnoticeable until they are a big problem so look for discolored vinyl around your toilet, it can be an indication that there’s a problem developing. Once rot gets under the tub, you’re in for a lot of trouble, so install splash guards and keep up on your inspections. Act at the first sign of softness in your walls or flooring, and make sure your tub surrounds are solid. I once found some rot starting by the tub in a unit I managed. Since the vinyl was floating, the contractor was able to carefully peel it back, fix the rot spot and lay in back down, saving a lot of time and money, but if we had waited much longer, it would have gone under the tub and been a significantly more costly repair.

    The lifespan of degraded concrete walkways can be extended dramatically with good patching, and many lifted sections of concrete can be ground down, providing the maximum life possible. Sealing tile or granite on a regular basis keeps the stone looking good, and keeps water from seeping through your older grout, and a gallon of sealant only costs less than $25.

    Lipstick on a pig: When is it smart to do the bare minimum on the cheap?
    There are times when a focus on cost alone is the intelligent choice. I once managed for an owner who knew his triplex was a dump, but he rightly discerned that the value of the property was not in the old decrepit building, but in the land, so he did the bare minimum to keep the premises habitable, knowing down the road that the building would be razed and re-developed. That wasn’t a terrible strategy for him, but was quite a burden on the management company as we were constantly scrambling to patch things together, and the low rents reflected the low quality of the units. When I drive by, the building is still limping along, but he will likely make a great profit when he sells or develops the land into a different use, and he won’t have spent a fortune on upgrades.

    When my dad needed to sell his 70’s era single-wide trailer in a 55-and-older park, some strategic effort and a few thousand well-placed dollars made it sell quickly and for a decent price. I had some brownish paint left from another rental project and painted the interiors of all of the metal windows, hiding the discolored metal frames. We had some inexpensive vinyl installed in the kitchen and entry, fixed the dry rot in the subfloor, cleaned the carpets, painted the kitchen and bathroom cabinets with leftover paint, installed used knobs from another project, painted the mirror frames and glued on decorative trim inside the frame to hide the ugly gap, cleaned the unit very well, had the heat pump serviced and the ducts cleaned, pressure washed the exterior siding and concrete, and spruced up the yard. It worked and didn’t break the budget. Without that effort, it might not have sold at all, so it was a good return on a nominal investment.

    The vacancy factor: Planning for lost rent
    While most of us seek long-term tenancies, over time residents come and go. Aside from low-priced pig sties rented to marginal-at-best residents, a mid-priced family home in a good school district usually results in the longest-term tenancies. College rentals turn every year or two, and high-end homes are often just stopping places along the way to a home purchase. Whatever your market niche, remember that vacancy loss is another factor to consider when planning your budget.

    Too many rental owners forget this part and when one month’s rent is lost prepping for a new resident, they remember they still have to pay the mortgage and start freaking out. The wise housing provider has a savings account for such things. Lost rent can also hit hard when the resident loses a job and doesn’t pay. Then, not only is there lost rent to consider, but the costs of eviction, and don’t forget the turn itself. In any household budget, there needs to be an emergency fund of three to six months’ living expenses, and the same is true of rental properties…better start saving.

    Maintenance reserves: Knowing how much to set aside
    When you’re planning for replacement of larger items, there are various sources of information. I have compiled lists from HUD and a random insurance company that you can access here, titled DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE FOR HOUSING COMPONENTS and HUD DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE. Armed with the knowledge of how long something should be expected to last and the likely age of that component, you should be able to identify pending projects, and get estimates for the cost so you know what’s coming. You can then plan ahead and increase your maintenance reserves to cover the expense.

    The takeaway: Planning for repairs is essential to your success
    You need a budget. And an emergency fund. Don’t go to ridiculous extremes to try to save money – it won’t work. Preventative maintenance is best. Be intelligently frugal. Know when it’s okay to put lipstick on a pig. Understand your market and your product so you know what to expect. Make a plan and save for it.

    This column offers general suggestions only and is no substitute for professional legal counsel. Please consult an attorney for advice related to your specific situation.

  • Saturday, October 30, 2021 11:17 AM | Anonymous

    The ORH Key-PAC is your legislative advocacy organization, but we can’t do it without you! Never have we faced such opposition and lopsided efforts to restrict the rights of property owners in Oregon. With a triple Democrat majority in the state and new redistricting maps creating even more unfair voting blocs, now more than ever we must act.

    What is a PAC and what do they do? Political Action Committee (PAC) — PAC is a popular term for a political committee organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect candidates who support their interests. Most PACs represent business, labor, or ideological interests. PACs can give $5,000 to a candidate committee per election (primary, general, or special). They can also give up to $15,000 annually to any national party committee, and $5,000 annually to any other PAC. PACs may receive up to $5,000 from any one individual, PAC, or party committee per calendar year.

    So, it’s all about money? Yep! Campaign contributions open doors to our message, “Housing providers are the solution, not the problem to our housing crisis.” With strategic donations, we develop relationships that inform and educate our lawmakers on the struggles and concerns of housing providers, encouraging them to see our point of view when they are involved in legislative changes to the rental housing industry.

    What political parties does the PAC donate to? Donations are disbursed to candidates in all political parties based on the recommendations of our Lobbyist Shawn Miller and Legislative Director Jason Miller. The recommendations for donations are based on a candidate’s history in supporting fair and reasonable housing policies and their willingness to listen to our concerns.

    Can I get a tax credit for my donation? Yes, you can! Individuals can donate up to $50 and each couple filing jointly can donate up to $100 annually and receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit up to those amounts. And, of course, you can always donate more. 

    Please visit, oregonrentalhousingpac.org to donate online, or mail a check or money order to:

    Oregon Rental Housing Key PAC
    89286 Cranberry Lane
    Bandon, Oregon 97411

  • Saturday, October 30, 2021 10:56 AM | Anonymous

    By: Jason Miller, ORHA Legislative Director
    October 27, 2021

    Thousands of Housing Providers across Oregon received notification from Residents that they applied for rental assistance. Once a Housing Provider receives that notification, they are required to give Residents a sixty (60) day stay from eviction. While some Housing Providers have received assistance checks many are left wondering what is going on. To make things worse, for most of them, we are past or approaching the end of the sixty (60) day stay from eviction. 

    Housing Providers do not necessarily want to evict a tenant if they know their Resident qualifies and rental assistance is coming. But with no communication from Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) or the local Community Action Agencies Housing Providers are making the heartbreaking decision to file for eviction. How many of those eviction filings could be avoided if the Housing Provider received a simple email or phone call saying your Resident qualifies and the rent is on the way? I suspect a large percentage of Housing Providers would hold off a little longer if they knew the assistance was coming. Remember, the alternative is to evict the tenant in hopes the unit can be rented to someone able to pay. The Housing Provider will incur costs of turning over the rental property to make it ready to rent and lose any chance at being made whole on past-due rent. However, to some this sounds more attractive than being left in the dark wondering when, or if, assistance will come.

    While some believe the answer is to increase the sixty (60) day stay on eviction to ninety (90) or one hundred and twenty (120) days, my message has been to increase communication with Housing Providers and involve them in the process. Housing Providers do not want to go through the process of eviction if it is preventable and would rather receive rental assistance than a loss in income. My belief is most Housing Providers would naturally, without any requirement, wait another 30 or 60 days if they knew and had a guarantee that rental assistance was coming.

    This message has been relayed to OHCS and Legislators in hopes they will improve their communication process to avoid unnecessary evictions. We have received promises of improvement but for some it may be too late and until the promises are fulfilled Housing Providers will still need to make that gut-wrenching decision to evict their Resident or continue to not receive any payment, uncertain if assistance will ever come.

  • Saturday, October 30, 2021 10:45 AM | Anonymous

    By: Violet Wilson, ORHA Education Committee Chair
    October 27, 2021

    The committee has been working on long-range planning goals, including:

    1. Increasing the available ORHA classes for use by member associations and other organizations.
    2. Direct sales of completed presentations to non-members.
    3. Adding to our list of qualified speakers
    4. Continuing to reach out to our smaller locals who need more support.

    A number of classes on the new Landlord Guarantee Program (LGP), which provide funds to housing providers who waited out the sixty day “safe harbor” period but did not get funds from the tenants or rent programs, have been presented. The power point on the LGP was also sent out to local associations for their use.

    The new Law and Rule Required course (LARRC) with the new discrimination requirements will be completed by January and LARRC classes will be offered after that time.

    Continuing Education Certificates processing for ORHA classes has been centralized and will be completed and sent out by a single individual. This should speed up the timelines for receipt of the certificates by attendees.

    The committee is always looking for new ideas on what to teach. Please contact Violet at vwilson503@comcast.net.

  • Friday, October 08, 2021 11:21 PM | Anonymous

    By: Tia Politi, ORHA President
    October 7, 2021

    I’m sad to report the passing of J. Norton Cabell, one of the most influential landlords in Oregon. Many of you may have known him during the years he served variously as President, Treasurer and Legislative Director for the Oregon Rental Housing Association (ORHA), Vice President of Lane ROA, Director of the Fair Housing Council of Oregon, Citizen Review Board Member for the Oregon Judicial Department as well as Sponsors, Inc., to name a few. More recently, he chaired the Intergovernmental Eugene Housing Policy Board and Renter’s Protection Committee. I came on the boards of Lane ROA and ORHA after Norton’s time, but he was always available to graciously answer my questions and provide expert guidance. He is the originator of the ORHA Law Book and Forms Manual.

    “To whom much is given, much is expected.” Norton exemplified this saying. Born into privilege, he received a top-notch education, earning his bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of the South and his M.B.A., from the University of Virginia. He spent a couple of decades in the banking industry, before leaving that career for a life in the wonderland of Oregon.

    As a landlord in Oregon, Norton rented to those who few others would have. Violet Wilson of ORHA and the Salem Rental Housing Association remembers, “I first met Norton Cabell in 1990 when I took my very first law update class. He was very knowledgeable and presented the information in an entertaining way. He peppered his talks with actual stories from his professional life. He often rented to the less fortunate population, such as former convicts. One story, in particular, still comes to mind. A man who panhandled on the streets for change and used it to pay his rent. Norton accepted daily payments from him in those small increments. I learned from him the many laws we had to follow to be a good property manager but I was also inspired by him to remember that tenants are human and we have to operate in humane and thoughtful ways.”

    Jim Straub remembers, “Norton was instrumental in my sharp learning curve regard all things Chapter 90 during the 1990’s, as he was countless others. I always felt Norton brought an inquisitive and balanced view of legislative changes. He was highly respected by both landlord and tenant advocates. We have truly lost a giant in the industry.”

    John VanLandingham of the Oregon Law Center was especially close to Norton and recalls, that, “We both grew up in Virginia, which is a very distinct world. Oregon is a breath of fresh air in comparison. Norton’s family name is well known there – there is a Cabell Hall at the University of Virginia. A Cabell fought and died with the Virginia Military Institute cadets who fought at the Battle of New Market in the Civil War, the only college group to fight in a war. He attended a prestigious Virginia prep school – and got expelled for conducting an unauthorized chemistry experiment that blew up the lab.

    “At the beginning of his post-college life, Norton spent 20 years as a banker in New Hampshire, working his way up, before he decided he’d had enough and moved to Oregon. He sometimes described himself as a recovering banker.

    “He was a wonderful writer, clear and concise, and he liked writing. He wrote legislative guides on landlord/tenant law and columns in the ROA newsletter and summaries of the law. They were always excellent. He and I did all of the writing for the old General Landlord/Tenant Coalition’s bills over many years. And he wrote and published a novel (which you can buy online). We used to discuss the novel, and his revisions. It involves a recovering banker who becomes an investigative financial analyst called in over a shady real estate deal in New Hampshire. And there’s sex!

    “Norton and I spent about 15 years as the primary negotiators – he for landlords/ORHA and I for tenants – in the General L/T Coalition. Those were the glory years for the coalition. We worked collaboratively and productively, amending Oregon law in many significant ways. Norton never had as a goal screwing tenants; the goal was to address a problem for landlords or tenants and work to find a reasonable solution that would not harm the other side. I can’t tell you the number of times I tell tenant lawyers in other states who have a legal problem that in Oregon we addressed that issue by statute.

    “And Norton and I would usually carpool to and from those monthly coalition meetings, which were usually held in Salem. We couldn’t get too mad at each other since we would have to ride back to Eugene together. Norton knew the law backwards and forwards, and he was pragmatic, not getting emotionally involved with a case. Deborah Imse, the Executive Director of MultiFamily NW, said to me earlier this week, when I told her about Norton’s passing, that she was “just heart-broken; Norton was instrumental in my sharp learning curve regarding all things Chapter 90.”

    “Norton also cared deeply about affordable housing. After he stopped being ORHA’s legislative leader, he got even more involved in affordable housing issues in Eugene and Lane County, chairing the Intergovernmental Housing Policy Board for years. He became very influential with local elected officials for his knowledge and his level-headedness. He chaired and led other public policy groups over the years, too, such as the Eugene Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee, the Rental Housing Code Committee, the Police Review Board, and more. Because he was a long-time landlord and knew their concerns, he spoke with unequaled authority. Norton was my friend. I’ll miss him more than I can think. But his death is an even bigger loss for landlords and tenants in our community.”

    Norton’s last years were spent living in one of his multi-unit properties, right alongside his residents, and that’s where his memorial service was held, with family, friends, local dignitaries and residents in attendance. He could have lived in a fancy house far away, but chose to be not just a landlord, but also a neighbor…

  • Wednesday, October 06, 2021 5:26 PM | Anonymous

    By: Violet Wilson, Education Committee Chair
    October 3, 2021

    Due to changes to the Oregon Rental Housing Association office staff, I have taken on the following:

    a. Retained copies of the ORHA power point presentations and distribute as requested. Some of the presentations will need to be updated due to recent law changes. A description of each class will be included on the ORHA website as well as available materials.

    b. Retaining copies of instructor qualifications forms, W9’s, and CE credits given out.

    c. Outlined objectives for each class: in progress.

    d. Instructor’s qualifications need to be completed on an OREA form and kept on file for 3 years. This will be added to document storage for ORHA.

    Other updates:

    a. We have contracted with Peter Bale, a former Agency Investigator, to update the Law and Rule Required Course which includes the new required fair housing language. It will be ready for January classes.

    b. Option: Live video class to a local where the members meet in person is in the works.

    c. Continuing to look at selling our power point presentations to non-members.

    d. The committee would like to know who schedules classes at a local level and get information to them.

    Current available classes

    a. ORHA

    1. Housing Provider 101 (2hr.)
    2. Housing Provider 102 (2 hr.)
    3. Law Update, Part 1 (2 hr.)
    4. Law Update, Part 2 (2 hr.)
    5. Law Update, Part 1 (1 hr.)
    6. Law Update, Part 2 (1 hr.)
    7. Law Update, Part 3 (1 hr.)
    8. Legislative Update: Revised 7/21
    9. Law Update, 3 hrs.
    10. Temporary Occupant, 1 hr.
    11. Odds and Ends of Property Management
    12. Acts of God and other Disasters
    13. Property Management Policies

    b. Other classes available by request.

    Membership in a Box, updated by Ben Seamans, is available for local ROA chapters to review the needs of their associations. It has interactive links to important information needed.

  • Wednesday, October 06, 2021 4:45 PM | Anonymous

    By: Jason Miller, ORHA Legislative Director
    October 4, 2021

    Several members have asked us this question since the maximum rent increase for 2022 was announced in September. The max rent increase for renters in properties where the certificate of occupancy was issued more than 15 years ago is 7% plus the previous 12 month average, September to August, Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the West Region.

    Although currently the CPI high around 5%, from September 2020 to February 2021 it was below 2% with a low of 1.4%. This brings the average for the year down to 2.9%. The 2022 maximum allowed rent increase will be 9.9%. If the certificate of occupancy for the property was issued in the last 15 years there is no cap on rent increases.

    While some who have properties that are way under market may be disappointed that the 2.9% CPI average is less than current numbers, most Housing Providers will be able to adjust their rents to accommodate rising costs and taxes within the 9.9% maximum increase.

    Caps on rent increases and other regulation has been tough on the housing industry. Oregon needs more legislators who understand that putting more regulations on small family owned businesses only hurts Oregonians. More than ever the Oregon Rental Housing Key Political Action Committee (ORH KEY PAC) needs your donations. Funds go to legislators who value and support our industry. Donate today!!!

  • Thursday, September 16, 2021 2:21 PM | Anonymous


    RENT INCREASE FOR 2022 IS: 9.9%

    On September 15, the State of Oregon's Office of Economic Analysis debuted the maximum rent increase rate for 2022 to be 9.9%. SB 608 set the maximum rent increase formula to be 7% plus the West Coast Consumer Price Index, which changes every year. For 2021 the maximum increase was 9.2%.

    Once SB 608 passed in February of 2019 ushering in the first in the nation statewide rent control, it mandated that the state of Oregon create a web page and update it yearly by the end of September, to display the annual maximum rent increase allowed in Oregon.  The Oregon Rent Stabilization website is:


    Rent increases going into effect for Oregon residents in 2022 must not be more than 9.9% as set forth in the Oregon Residential Landlord Tenant Act related to rent control. This applies statewide, including in the City of Portland. If a rental housing provider happens to increase the rent above maximum amount allowed, SB 608 specifies a penalty of 3 months’ rent, actual damages sustained by the tenant, and potential attorney fees and legal costs.

    Please remember that there are limited exemptions to the rent cap for affordable housing providers and for new construction. Housing providers should not increase rent more than 9.9% without consulting with their attorneys about exemptions and how to implement.

    This informational notice is not intended as legal advice. Please call your local Association Helpline if you have questions or contact an attorney for any policy change or decisions regarding residential and commercial Landlord-Tenant matters.

© 2015-2024 Oregon Rental Housing Association - All Rights Reserved
PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307
Contact ORHA (click here)
ORHA Support Team: support@oregonrentalhousing.com
ORHA Office: office@oregonrentalhousing.com

The Oregon Rental Housing Association (ORHA) is a non-profit educational landlord association -- ORHA Board Members, Mentors, Staff, and/or other related ORHA affiliates do not give legal advice. Please be advised that any information provided  is no substitute for professional legal counsel and any advice or guidance given does not constitute legal advice.  Please consult an attorney for legal advice related to your specific situation.

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